Do you have a trait or habit you don't like about yourself? Something you're not proud of and would like to change? Don't despair. We all do! With just a little effort it takes only thirty days to change what you don't like about yourself.
Step 1: Recognize your bad habit. Realizing you do something you're not happy about is half the battle. As humans it's a natural self defense mechanism to blame others for whatever goes wrong. Recognizing that you have something you'd like to change about yourself is called taking responsibility. It's the first step to becoming a better person.
Go to a quiet place in your home where you will not be disturbed. Your sofa. Your bedroom. Close your eyes. Relax. Breathe deeply. Take a few moments to think about yourself, your life, and your interactions with others. Think about what traits or qualities you'd like to change. Are you too quick tempered? Do you continually correct your mate when they're speaking? Do you often become negative in conversations? Be honest with yourself. Pick the one trait you'd most like to change.
Step 2: Write down the bad habit you want to change. For me, I realized I'm often not kind or friendly to people. It was a hard realization to swallow, but I did it. And that was the first step toward reversing the behavior. I wrote, "I am unkind and unfriendly to people."
Step 3: Put the trait in a positive statement. Write down how you would really like to be. I wrote, "I am kind and friendly to everyone I meet."
Step 4: In a notebook, write the positive statement down twenty times for each of thirty days. Studies tell us that it takes thirty days to reverse a bad behavior or trait. Each and every time you write it you'll feel better about yourself and that positive trait will become more and more a part of you. It's the Law of Attraction! What you focus on you will get! You are re-programming your mind from negative to the positive!
If you recognize a bad habit or trait in yourself, don't beat yourself up. We all have bad habits. No one is perfect. The first step to becoming a better person is recognizing the problem. However, take care not to dwell on the problem or get consumed by it. If you focus on how horrible the problem is, you'll get more of it. Instead, recognize the problem, take steps to solve it, forgive your self and let it go.
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