1. Start the day with thankfulness. Before you even get out of bed take a few minutes to think about all the things you're grateful for: Your wonderful mate; your beautiful children; your comfortable home; your loving pet. You may begin by saying, "I am so happy and grateful because I...." Say the words out loud and don't just say them -- feel them! Feel the joy, the love, the gratitude, and the happiness from all these wonderful gifts.
2. Take time to appreciate you! Before you brush your teeth in the morning, smile at yourself in the bathroom mirror. Tell yourself how great you are! You're beautiful! You're intelligent! You're kind! You're successful at your job! Say the words out loud and really mean them! Feel them! Let the joy, love happiness and gratitude flow over you.
3. Smile at others you encounter during your day. Not only will your smile brighten other people's day, it'll brighten yours to! What an amazing and powerful tool for good in the world the smile is.
4. Do something kind for someone everyday. I have a friend who is a truly beautiful soul. Each and every day she does kind and thoughtful things for practically everyone she encounters! She gives them little gifts, brings them food, gives them clothes her children have outgrown. Once, she even tried to give me a puppy! Everywhere she goes warm rays of loving sunshine follow. It started me thinking: When was the last time I did something kind for someone else completely unsolicited and with no ulterior motive? I'm ashamed to say, I couldn't think back on even one time. Imagine how wonderful the world would be if we all just did one small act of kindness every day?
5. Do something fun. Have a little adventure every day! A little treat! It doesn't have to be anything big or costly or time consuming. Take a few minutes to get that cup of Latte you've been denying yourself from Starbucks! Have that glass of merlot after dinner. Indulge in that little piece of chocolate in the middle of the day. Go to the park you love and sit on the park bench and soak up the sunshine for a few minutes. You deserve it!
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